The Grand Reopening begins…
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

The Grand Reopening begins…

We were offered a mirror to clearly reflect the unnecessary busyness that had crept in over time, as we worked ourselves into the ground in order to consume more, sacrificing our most valuable asset- time- for money.

The spending we do above and beyond our basic needs tends to be in pursuit of pleasure, comfort, connection, or simply put -love.

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The Mid-life Story
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

The Mid-life Story

The vast majority of the stories we are told and absorb are Youth Stories, akin to the hero’s journey, in which the hero heads out into the world, defeats a dragon, acquires a beautiful princess, and then settles down, bucket-list boxes ticked, to live happily ever after.

The majority of Western society is obsessed with, and forever refers and clings to the Youth Story; a phenomenon which can be directly observed in the fearful and shameful view of ageing consistently promoted.

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Is it time for a new Story?
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

Is it time for a new Story?

Does the story of St. Patrick embed the values, level of consciousness, and vision we wish for our children to embody as they create our collective future?

Is it not a little lazy and disconnected for us to still be telling this story in the context of all that’s unfolding right now in our world?

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What future reality are you calling in?
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

What future reality are you calling in?

It is not surprising that hope has dwindled and been replaced by resentment and fatigue. Indeed, it is unlikely there would have been such a strong sense of hope this time last year had we known we would still find ourselves in lockdown a full 12 months later.

However, as we build for the future, there are elements of the first-lockdown sentiment that we must rekindle and remember to set ourselves up for a brighter future ahead.

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How do you want to feel?
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

How do you want to feel?

Over these last 10 months (and counting), I have learned so much from John’s discernment regarding what information he chooses to engage with and take on board, and what information, narrative, or attitude even, he chooses to steer clear of. (*Spoiler alert- it’s often my attitude.)

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Please. Slow. Down. ♥
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

Please. Slow. Down. ♥

What is the point in running and rushing if we are doing it from place of depletion? What is the point in attempting to create when we have drained our inner creative well? What if all it does is cause us to run in the wrong direction?

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Will 2020 be a Pivotal Moment in the Story of your Life?
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

Will 2020 be a Pivotal Moment in the Story of your Life?

Would you really wish to wipe the slate clean and erase the annoying memories of 2020, or might it be true that this last year has presented you with a pivotal moment which has the possibility to shape the entire rest of your life?

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Resting and Restoring to Re-energise; the benefits of slowing down
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

Resting and Restoring to Re-energise; the benefits of slowing down

My mind was stiller, clearer, and less agitated; my body felt beautifully soft, light, and unencumbered. I slept soundly and deeply each night after the Yin practice and woke feeling more rested than usual and with plenty of energy for our 2-hour Vinyasa practice.

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Learning to cultivate a Yin/Yang Balance
Jane Feighery Jane Feighery

Learning to cultivate a Yin/Yang Balance

In a very small nutshell - Yin and Yang are the two great opposite but complementary forces at work in the universe. Yin is the intuitive, cold, dark, passive power which is female, and Yang represents masculinity, which is rational, hot, bright and active.

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